NGOZI, Inc. in partnership with the Department of Parks, Recreation & Enrichment, the Mayor’s Health, Wellness and Recreation Initiative will host its first intensive (72) Seventy-two hour Certified Permaculture Design Course. The goal is to create and develop an urban agriculture institution using Permaculture as our guidelines.
Registration is now open for Let’s Get Dirty Certified Permaculture training, August 4, 2012 through October 20, 2012. This nine week intensive hands-on training and classroom presentations will be another method in re-skilling our community in health and wellness. Eight hours on Saturdays 9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Twenty five various community members, students, teachers and at-risk youth will give up their weekends to study urban agriculture, recycling, waste management, land and water conservation and a whole lot more. A Graduation Ceremony will culminate the program with newly trained permaculture practitioners.
We are also seeking sponsorships to support our youth between the ages of 15-25. This age group is the most forgotten and committing most of the crimes in our communities, says Rafiyqa Muhammad who is the sustainability administrator for the Let’s Get Dirty certified program. The cost of re-skilling our youth is much cheaper per person than incarcerating them. These certified practitioners will be able to start their own green business or live a more sustainable life style. Using this type of program could help reduce unemployment rates, reduce crime, teach new skills, and provide valuable information on living a healthier life.
Benjamin Weiss is a certified permaculture teacher, designer and an organic farmer from Lancaster County. He will be facilitating all phases of the certified course. He has studied natural building & permaculture at The Farm Eco village Training Center in Tennessee, urban agriculture at Growing Power in Wisconsin, and received his permaculture teacher training at the Central Rocky Mountain Permaculture Institute in Colorado.
Reservoir Park, 19th & Whitehall Sts. in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17103 will be the main training location. Parking is available. Deadline for class registration is July 14, 2012.
Let’s Get Dirty Certified Permaculture Course Outline May Include:
August 4, 11, 18, 2012
What is Permaculture
Pattern Understanding and the Importance of Observation
Concepts, Themes and Methods of Design
Trees and their energy transactions
Water and soils
September 1,8,15, 2012
Earthworks and earth resources
Various Climate Factors
Gardening and Small Scale Farming Ideas in Permaculture
The Humane Use of Animals in Permaculture Systems
The Built Environment
October 6, 13, 20, 2012
Strategies for Thinking Globally – Acting Locally
Design Exercise for the Course
Certification information & Ceremony
Permaculture – continuing one’s education
Cost for Full-Certified Permaculture Course is $500.00 per person which includes training, certification, graduation ceremony, and educational materials. $65.00 per person, per course Non-certification is for those who cannot participate in the full nine weeks.
Current sponsorships include Capital Blue Cross, Pennsylvania Council on the Arts, Cultural Enrichment Fund. Payment plans are available, meals and transportation are own your own. For application or more information contact Rafiyqa Muhammad, Sustainability Administrator @ or 717-343-6881.
Not Talking With Idiots
13 years ago